4 Steps to Prepare Your Stamped Concrete for Summer

4 Steps to Prepare Your Stamped Concrete for Summer

When it comes to taking care of stamped concrete, summer is the best season to do so.

With temperatures rising in Louisiana, now is the time to start preparing your concrete for the warmer weather to come.

To increase the longevity of your decorative concrete, you must follow the following 4 steps when preparing your slab for summer.

1. Make sure you don’t need to strip your concrete

After a particularly harsh winter (like the record-breaking freeze of 2020), you may want to consider resealing your concrete. 

Before you do so, however, you may wonder whether or not it’s necessary to strip off the old sealer first.

Fortunately, as long as your slab has been around longer than the early 2000s and has been stripped once before, it will not need stripping prior to resealing.

2. Power wash your slab

Once you’ve concluded whether or not you need to strip your stamped concrete, you’ll want to power wash it before you proceed with anything else.

Pollen, leaf, and tire stains can create such an eyesore. Power washing your slab is ideal for clearing away all the dirt, grime, and stains that have built up over the past year.

If you’ve got tough stains from oil and tar, you should use neutral soap, a solvent cleaner, or a degreaser first. This will loosen the stain which can then be sprayed off with the power washer.

3. Check for cracks

After your stamped concrete has been fully cleaned, scan it with your eyes for cracks. Most hairline fractures can be fixed on your own, but long and deep cracks may require you to replace the slab altogether.

4. Seal your concrete

If you haven’t resealed your concrete in the past three years, now is the best time to do so. Sealer is most effectively applied during warm weather on dry concrete. If you’re planning on sealing your concrete this spring, be sure to check the weather ahead of time, as the sealer will need a couple of days with no rain in order to dry properly.

Looking for more concrete tips and tricks? Check out the Port Aggregates blog

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Your Guide to Colored Concrete

Your Guide to Colored Concrete

When you think of concrete, you probably visualize a boring, grey slab.

Not many people associate concrete with color, but with the help of aesthetic treatments, it can really become a true work of art.

Before you start your next colored concrete project, it’s important to understand the advantages and ingredients involved.

Key benefits

1. Enhancing the appearance of your yard

The first and most obvious benefit of colored concrete is its aesthetic appeal. Whether you’re incorporating it into your new driveway or backyard patio, you’d be surprised at the difference a simple pop of color can make to your yard. 

But beauty isn’t its only benefit. 

2. Extra protection

The aesthetic treatments used to give colored concrete its pigment also provide a practical, wear-resistant coating and a beautiful finish. This will help your gorgeous slab maintain its fresh look over time, protecting it from weather and the damage of day-to-day use.

Understanding the two techniques

When it comes to concrete coloring, there are two main techniques: 

1. Stirring the colorant into the concrete mix itself 

This mixing technique is most commonly used in projects that desire one solid color. It works by mixing in a powdered pigment made up of inorganic minerals into the ready mix. This pigment is oftentimes made of chromium oxides and iron. 

2. Stamping the concrete

Concrete stamping, on the other hand, is used for projects that require special patterns or designs. This method involves layering colorant on top of fresh concrete then stamping it with texturing molds. This colorant is either made up of synthetic or natural pigments.

Synthetic pigments

Synthetic pigments are made up of metallic oxides and are created through industrial processes. During these processes, minerals (the raw material) are refined to change their physio-chemical properties.

These physio-chemical properties are what link each metallic oxide to their specific color. Cobalt oxide, for example, is a metallic oxide used to create blue concrete.

Natural pigments

Natural pigments are derived from mineral deposits, and like synthetic pigments, they’re made up of metallic oxides and hydroxides. Iron is most commonly used to apply this pigmentation.

Get prettier, longer-lasting concrete by coloring it. At Port Aggregates, our professional concrete contractors are highly skilled in creating beautiful, precise pours every time. Contact us today to request a quote for your next project!

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How to Avoid Concrete Failure

How to Avoid Concrete Failure

While concrete is extremely strong, it can also be very brittle if it’s not properly mixed and cured. Concrete failure can occur in a variety of ways because of the versatility of this material and all of its applications.

Each type of failure is different and has its own causes and solutions. It’s important to understand how these common types of failures occur so that your project is not negatively affected.

Keep reading to learn 5 tips for preventing concrete failure.

1. Avoid trapped air 

Trapped air bubbles in concrete can cause it to fail. Concrete is a mixture of gravel, sand, and cement (among other ingredients), and when this mix gets poured into forms or molds, trapped air bubbles can form. 

These bubbles result in weak spots that aren’t able to handle pressure.

To avoid trapped air when mixing concrete, ideally, you should hire a professional with a mixer truck rather than attempting to mix and pour on your own. 

When mixing on your own, you risk adding too much water to the mix or mixing it for too long. This can cause small cracks and fissures which will leave your concrete vulnerable as well. 

2. Don’t overload concrete forms

Overloading concrete is another common cause of concrete failure. While concrete is one of the strongest materials on the planet, different types have different limits. For example, reinforced concrete should be used if you anticipate supporting a large weight or structure.

Unfortunately, some cheap contractors like to cut corners here by using the wrong type of concrete to complete the job faster. Then, once heavy loads are placed on the concrete, it cracks.

3. Always use good quality raw materials

Using good quality raw materials is another way to avoid concrete failure. This goes for both the sand and gravel used in your mix as well as the cement itself.

If you’re not using a reputable supplier, there’s no telling what sorts of additives they may be including in their products (or if any at all). 

For example, recycled or fly ash cement can sometimes be used in place of traditional Portland cement. While this is cheaper, it also has a shorter lifespan and may not meet the standards you’re looking for.

The same goes for sand or gravel that doesn’t measure up to your specifications. If it’s too coarse, the concrete mix won’t have enough cohesion between particles which can cause the material to crumble.

If you want strong, durable, and long-lasting concrete, always make sure to use a reputable contractor and supplier for raw materials.

4. Use water treated with low levels of dissolved sulphate

Using water with low levels of dissolved sulphate is another way to avoid concrete failure. You see, metal ions (especially iron or steel) can lead to the formation of rust within your concrete mix which will make it vulnerable and prone to cracking.

The easiest thing you can do here is use deionized water in place of tap water. If this isn’t available, try to use water with low levels of dissolved sulphate. This will prevent the metal ions from being deposited into your concrete mix which will result in a stronger material overall.

5. Don’t use high-silica aggregates in areas with high humidity

If you’re using high-silica aggregates in areas with high humidity, you may run into concrete failure. This is because the aggregates will absorb moisture from the air, leading to cracks within your material over time.

For example, if you’re creating a sidewalk or patio in a high-humidity area like Louisiana, and you use this sort of aggregate without a waterproof coating, you may be in for a rude awakening.

6. Hire the professionals

Concrete failure is expensive. The best way to avoid it is by hiring the professionals at Port Aggregates.

At PAI, our professional concrete contractors are skilled in creating bubble-free, high-quality pours in high-humidity areas like Louisiana.  We use only the best quality materials for our mixes and never cut corners to save money or time. 

Contact us today to request a quote for your next residential or commercial project!

The post How to Avoid Concrete Failure appeared first on Port Aggregates.

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How to make green roofs really green?

How to make green roofs really green?

After three years of research, design and construction, our 130 square meter roof is finally finished! 

We are happy to share with you an overview of all the steps we went through, the sustainable technologies we integrated into this project, and the impact we think green roofs can have on our urban landscapes. 

Watch the video below for an explainer of the process of constructing our ecological green roof: 

This journey started three years ago with the demolition of the old roof and replacement with a glulam structure. Along the way we integrated several sustainable technologies that we have documented with articles and videos. For instance, we used recycled tyres for the foundations of our wooden wall structure and protected the exterior timber facade using our charring technique inspired in the traditional japanese process of Yakisugi. 

For more information about these researches, check our previous articles here.


Charring Station


Green roofs are often proposed as a solution to the lack of green space in urban environments or as a way of slowing down the flow of water. But do conventional green roofs actually deliver on these claims? Our research of modern green roofs found that the materials used in construction often do not align with the sustainability ethos that a green roof proclaims. We sought to find alternatives to plastic filters, insulation, and drainage systems: the materials that typically make up the layers of a green roof. In our mission to adopt low-tech, sustainable architecture and construction techniques we wanted to reduce material consumption and also make it as easy to replicate and apply in other situations as possible.

Our green roof layers

Green Roof detail


Laying EPDM around rooflights
Silicone fixing
EPDM Silicone

We needed a waterproof layer to cover the OSB roof layer and protect from water ingress. We chose EPDM, a synthetic rubber, due to its availability and long life span. 


To protect the cork from the plant roots and the substrate a geotextile layer is needed. This prevents silt and other fine particles from clogging the grid drainage system within the cork. Geotextiles are semi permeable fabrics that help separate soil layers but permit the passage of fluids. 

Irrigation System

For the climate we enjoy here in Porto an irrigation system is definitely not necessary. However in order to control the parameters of Neoturf’s experiment a system was installed. In the future we will build a rainwater harvesting system that will allow us to store and re-use rainwater for non potable purposes. Watch this space!

Cork Insulation

Cork grid

Laying the cork panels

The most cutting edge element of this design is the inclusion of cork insulation, thanks to a partnership with Neoturf, who conducted the research about this design. This is the first time this design and technology has been implemented on a green roof of this size so we are very excited and hopeful for the results. The expanded cork is a by-product of the industrial process for manufacturing wine corks and is being increasingly used in construction. We explain more about this carbon negative wonder material in a full article here. 

Cork is a carbon negative material as the trees it is harvested from absorb CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow. These cork boards provide insulation – with the thermal efficiency of Lambda 0.038-0.040 watts per meter kelvin or R3.6/inch.In cold months this is comparable to synthetic materials such as expanded polystyrene during warm weather synthetic insulation performs very poorly due to having low thermal mass [1].  Additionally, in order to allow water to drain a grid was pre-cut into the panels: vital to withstand Porto’s frequent downpours. By using this design and material we negate the need for synthetic insulation, plastic drainage cups, and other plastic liners. 


The second experimental aspect of our green roof is being investigated in partnership with Neoturf, who specialise in landscape design and nature based solutions. The soil that is used on green roofs cannot be composed of simply hummus. It requires other gravels or materials that reduce compaction and promote effective drainage. Neoturf are investigating how well 3 different substrates that use recycled construction waste perform in contrast to the commercially available alternative. Should this research prove successful they will promote the widespread use of recycled waste as substrate across the industry. Over the next two years they will monitor the progress of the plants growing on our roof. 

Interview with Paolo Palha from Neoturf

Check out an in-depth interview with Paolo Palha, researcher and engineer from Neoturf, that gives us insights into the significance of his research and what they are expecting to find in the next couple of years, monitoring the plants’ growth:


This green roof represents three years of hard work, prototype development, and teamwork. Countless hands have helped repair walls, build structure, haul earth and the thousands of other tasks needed to realise this ambitious project. We send huge love and thanks to everyone who has helped in any way. This is a major milestone for us and we are excited to see our plants grow healthy and strong. Neoturf will continue with this research over the next two years, after which we can adapt the roof to grow our own food and reach a higher level of self-sustainability.

Are you interested in implementing an ecological green roof in your project? Critical Concrete can provide advice, design and construction services for the whole process: including structure, procurement and material sourcing. Contact our studio today!

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The post How to make green roofs really green? first appeared on Critical Concrete.
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Co-ops, Cohousing & co.

Co-ops, Cohousing & co.
Cooperative housing is discussed in one module of our Sustainable-Sustainable Architecture postgraduate course; if the topics discussed in this article pique your interest, you may be a wonderful candidate. Learn more here.

Living in a single-family unit, either in a house or apartment building has become the living standard, but it isn’t the only possibility. Many houses are equipped with appliances and rooms that are used rarely or on a weekly basis, which suggests that there may be a more functional system out there. On the other hand, many houses in urban settings are cramped and unhealthy due to the rising cost of living in cities and urban migration. This inequity is only growing with urban migration patterns and gentrification. 

The single-family housing model is not a viable paradigm for the future. Not only is it an inefficient use of space, but it is also isolating and fails to nurture community. It tends to be cramped for the poor and leaves vulnerable groups to fend for themselves. On a deeper level, these aspects are the exact opposite of what allowed early humans to create society.

Architects, theorists, and dreamers have all wondered how our dwellings can be reshaped for better quality of life and higher affordability, but to solve these issues, they don’t need to strive for the most complicated answer. Two possibilities already exist to challenge the housing paradigm. Housing cooperatives have existed for over a century and challenge the notion of housing as a commodity. Cohousing is a method of living with others to maximize space, resources, and community. These ideas have potential to not only remedy urban housing challenges, but also to home in on environmental sustainability in domestic spaces.

a basic comparison

Cooperative Housing

Housing cooperatives, or co-ops, have existed throughout history, yet in most places they are not recognized as mainstream housing possibilities. In fact, they’ve gone so far under the radar that you might be wondering what in the world a housing cooperative is. Let’s rewind.

A housing cooperative is a housing business which has shared ownership by its residents.[1] The goal of this collective ownership is affordability rather than profit.[2] Aside from collective ownership, there is one feature that is almost always present in coops: democratic processes.[3] Residents get to vote on the major decisions of the cooperative, such as who can replace a former resident, or whether solar panels should be purchased for the building. Other important elements of cooperative housing are commitment to social goals, security in community, decent housing, personal growth, and transparency in management.[4]

The modern history of housing cooperatives in Europe began in the 1800s in Berlin with Victor Aimé Huber’s cooperative dwellings.[5] The practice evolved and expanded, becoming an opportunity for decent affordable housing and as a possibility for people to have more control over their living conditions. 

Kalkbreite Cooperative Zurich (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Differences between Cooperatives

As the practice of founding co-ops spread and grew more prevalent, many differences arose. There are limited-equity coops, often for low and moderate income shareholders, market-value ownership coops, which do not require affordability; rental co-ops which have more secure tenure and have mixed-income tenants; and mutual aid co-ops which are based on solidarity and self help and are usually self-built.[6] Depending on the country and its policies, funding a new housing cooperative could rely on government, banks, or private investors. Cooperatives can be rural or urban, high rise or groups of single family housing.[7] Some co-ops began as ventures to create exclusive and wealthy multi-family housing whereas others were intended to create housing for the poor.

The most pronounced differences between cooperatives comes down to financing and legal constraints, both of which are influenced by the government where a cooperative is located. Cooperatives around the world vary subtly because of governmental constraints in their respective countries, so these are a few examples to show the possibilities.

In Austria, a country with a strong social housing sector, housing cooperatives which are below market-rate are exempt from corporation tax.[8] The government offers subsidies through public housing schemes via low-interest grants or mortgages that cover some of the construction costs.[9] In Egypt, cooperatives are exempt from many taxes, from industry profit taxes to custom taxes and importing fees, some fees including building license fees and publishing fees, and interest of deposits in banks.[10] They receive a 25% discount on state owned land which can be increased to 50%.[11] 

Portugal’s government reduces the VAT from 20% to 5% for cooperatives, and they also provide tax exemptions on land acquisitions and subsidize interest rates for cooperatives with low-income target groups.[12] Pakistan has a unique system for cooperative development: the state provides land to cooperatives, but cooperative shareholders are responsible for the construction of their residence on the plot they are assigned.[13] Interestingly enough, in Germany, although housing cooperatives do receive tax relief, they do not receive money from social housing funds; co-ops are not part of social housing there.[14]

The presence of housing cooperatives often hinges on politics. Since cooperatives greatly benefit from the aforementioned subsidies, tax relief, government loans, and other governmental support, proliferation of new co-ops can fluctuate with political changes. Furthermore, governments can incentivise cooperatives through policy, but they can also place limits on the founding of new cooperatives. For instance, Poland banned cooperatives in 1990, a marked difference from the years they had spent becoming mainstream during the socialist regime.[15] On the contrary, Portugal experienced an increase in co-ops after an authoritarian government which opposed the values of cooperatives was replaced.[16] In Pakistan, a corruption scandal from a cooperative paused registration of new housing cooperatives.[17]

Membership practices in cooperatives mean that even in rental cooperatives, residents are less passive inhabitants than in typical multi-family housing. Democratic foundations within cooperatives mean residents vote on management, changes, and governing structures. Each shareholder can have one vote, but in some co-ops the number of votes is equal to the number of shares. Some cooperatives require all decisions to be voted on by everyone, whereas others allow members the option of voting. Whichever way the voting system plays out, members of cooperatives have a stronger sense of ownership and participation, and can motivate one another to create a greener, healthier housing cooperative.

Student Cooperative in California via tsakett on Flickr


Cooperative housing shouldn’t be confused with cohousing, a modern iteration of intentional living developed in Denmark.[18] Cohousing can be implemented within cooperative housing; the two are separate systems which have potential to work together. Cohousing challenges the single family home in favor of sharing space and creating a stronger community.

Although the idea of living with others isn’t new, the term “cohousing” only arose in 1988 after two architects from the United States observed the phenomenon in Denmark, where it had gained traction.[19] Exactly twenty years prior, architect Jan Gudmand-Hoyer had spent several months discussing housing alternatives with a group of friends, developing plans for 12 houses gathered around a common space.[20] Although the project never took form, he published an influential article on the project entitled “The Missing Link between Utopia and the Dated One-Family House” which elicited responses from many families eager to live in such a situation.[21] Another article, “Children Should Have One Hundred Parents” by Bodil Graae, garnered further interest in the concept.[22] After the articles were published, families came together to purchase sites and construct two projects by 1973, which formed the blueprint for cohousing in Denmark.[23]

Rudolph Schindler House in Los Angeles via Lian Chang on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The ideas are far from new. While Gudmand-Hoyer and Graae were writing these articles, the hippie movement in the sixties was awash with communes and ideas challenging single-family living. But unlike cohousing, many hippie communes were infamous for being financially and socially unsustainable. Additionally, with roots in the early 1900’s, the intentional communities called kibbutz are well known examples shared living from Israel. In California, the Austrian architect Rudolph Schindler built one of the first ever modernist houses, designed for two families to live cooperatively and share one common kitchen.[24] All this is to say that cohousing is not a particularly unique idea, although its less radical stance is possibly what makes it such a viable housing option.

However, what differentiates cohousing from similar ideas like kibbutzim or ecovillages is that cohousing is primarily an architectural design which fosters community alongside a social agreement to live cooperatively. It does not have ideological connotations and can manifest in various ways. Cohousing can be rural or urban, meaning unlike other kinds of intentional communities, it can respond to the global urban influx. Additionally, cohousing may be equipped to handle the challenges of  urban living, such as elder- and childcare along with social isolation. Some cohousing situations share chores in common spaces such as cooking, which tends to free up time for those with busy schedules. 

Sustainability in Cohousing

Cohousing has some inherent advantages for sustainability. First, dense dwellings groups are more efficient to heat or cool. If the kitchen and living areas are shared, less furniture is needed and kitchen appliances only need to be purchased once for multiple families. By living in close proximity, people can share their skills, which means residents can help each other with tasks like repairing broken items instead of wasting them and buying new things. Additional benefits include purchasing food in bulk, which is better for transportation and uses less packaging. Shared garden spaces mean some food can also be cultivated in a community garden. Having a garden also provides a space to incorporate a compost bin, a challenging feature for typical urban housing.

Cohousing also has the benefit of community learning and social practices, which helps propagate care for the environment and ecological values.[25] By living with many people, there can be less car dependence. Tasks like grocery shopping can be divided and commuting to work can be done with fewer cars.[26] Finally, shared meals can result in lower food waste.[27]

File:Sonnenschiff in Freiburg-Vauban 7.jpg
Vauban Cohousing in Freiburg via Andreas Schwarzkopf (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Housing More Sustainably

There is potential for even more sustainability in cohousing projects. The fact that many cohousing projects are cooperatively owned, purchased before construction is complete, or even designed with input from the future residents is something that allows for even more ecological interventions. If cohousing projects are designed with sustainability in mind, they can be more energy efficient and prioritize passive sustainable strategies. For instance, common areas can incorporate daylighting and efficient ventilation. The design can include a root cellar to store vegetables for long periods in winter without the use of a fridge. Natural materials such as hempcrete, mycelium, cork, rammed earth and many more could all be used as building materials. Since some cohousing projects include aspects of self-building or auto-construction, materials and techniques are employed with easy repairability and designs that factor in longevity. Some features of sustainable design, like solar panels, come at a premium, but if a project is cooperatively owned, these additional costs are spread out among all the owners.

Occupant ownership via the housing cooperative model also means that there can be experimental sustainable practices that wouldn’t usually be possible in conventional multi-family housing. A garden could be designed to have a phytodepuration wastewater treatment system, which would simultaneously provide a beautiful marsh landscape in the common area. There could be compost toilets, green roofs, or food forests, too. With an ecological group of residents, there is also potential for the use and maintenance of a biodigester to produce biogas for cooking. The possibilities are endless, especially with lots of community minded people with various skills willing to contribute to communal projects.

Cohousing and cooperatives are two approaches to financial and ecological housing issues. They provide a peek into what housing would look like if we didn’t approach it from a single-family perspective. When the concepts are combined, they create feasible models for better living conditions, affordable housing, and stronger communities. Moving away from profit and towards collective action gives an added opportunity for a more ecological way of living. Existing cohousing cooperatives are great launch pads for pushing the possibilities of environmentally sustainable multi-family housing, while budding cohousing cooperatives have the opportunity to design healthy living spaces for both people and the planet. 


[1] https://4bfebv17goxj464grl4a02gz-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/drupal/Profiles%20of%20a%20movement%20final%20web%20ISBN.pdf

[2] Note: There are some cooperatives which are not intended to be affordable housing, but the collective ownership does improve the affordability, even in those cases.

[3] https://www.ica.coop/en/events/cooperative-housing-key-model-sustainable-housing-europe


[5] https://www.housingeurope.eu/event-183/cooperative-housing

[6] https://www.housinginternational.coop/sdgs-2/cooperative-housing-models/

[7] https://4bfebv17goxj464grl4a02gz-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/drupal/Profiles%20of%20a%20movement%20final%20web%20ISBN.pdf

[8] https://4bfebv17goxj464grl4a02gz-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/drupal/Profiles%20of%20a%20movement%20final%20web%20ISBN.pdf

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.

[12] Ibid.

[13] Ibid.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Ibid.

[16] Ibid.

[17] Ibid.

[18]  https://www.cohousing.ca/about-cohousing/history-of-cohousing/

[19] http://www.cohousingco.com/cohousing

[20] https://www.cohousing.ca/about-cohousing/history-of-cohousing/

[21] Ibid.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Ibid.

[24] https://www.archdaily.com/783384/ad-classics-kings-road-house-rudolf-schindler

[25] https://www.iberdrola.com/social-commitment/cohousing

[26]  https://www.moneycrashers.com/communal-living-cohousing-types-benefits-intentional-communities/

[27]  https://www.moneycrashers.com/communal-living-cohousing-types-benefits-intentional-communities/

The post Co-ops, Cohousing & co. first appeared on Critical Concrete.

Natural Wood Protection – Vol. 2

Natural Wood Protection – Vol. 2

Researching new methods of wood protection are of key importance for the work we do here at Critical Concrete. Wood is the primary material we use to build and renovate houses; from the structure, to the cladding, and the furniture. Priorities of our wood protection solutions include; relatively low-cost, accessible materials, simple recipes. Prioritising these aspects means it is easy to scale up for large projects. 


For our renovation project in Esposende, we rebuilt the roof with a wooden structure, so it was essential to protect the wood for the longevity of the building. With the cladding substructure, window lintel, and furniture we had a lot of wood to treat. Through research of various recipes we came up with a recipe and method which fit the requirements we had. 

TRICOIL (Turpentine/Tung Raw Linseed I Coconut OIL or 3 oil) is a blend of three different oils which gives protection from parasites and environmental conditions. Linseed oil, Tung oil, and Coconut oil are blended together using turpentine as a solvent to combine the oils and allow for deeper penetration of tricoil into the wood. The original recipe and method we based this upon can be found here [1]. 

Tung oil has been used by the Chinese for hundreds of years to protect wooden boats. It is derived from pressing the nuts of the Tung tree. It has anti-termitic properties and offers durable waterproofing. 

Raw Linseed oil, obtained from pressing flax seeds, creates a water repellent barrier on the wood.

Coconut oil, rich in fatty acids, nourishes and protects the wood. 

Turpentine, a solvent derived from tree resin, thins and blends the oils for easy application to the wood. 


Ratio of ingredients for TRICOIL

Heat a large pot of water to 50°C to act as a bain-marie. Place a jar of coconut oil and turpentine into the bain-marie and cook until this mixture has also reached 50°C, stir often. If you have a big enough pot, you can do the same with the linseed oil and tung oil together in one jar, placed in the bain-marie. Once the mixtures have reached the temperature, mix them together.
The Tricoil is now ready to be applied on clean, sanded wood. Apply to the wood once per day for 3-4 days and dry in an open space. 

Burning Station

Since discovering the wonders of Yakisugi, it has become a firm favourite as a method of protecting wood in many of our projects. Our first article in wood protection dives into the science of the method and the properties of charred wood. 

After a fair few projects using our brick burning station at CC HQ, we enlisted it for charring wood for the cladding of the Esposende house. Around a half ton of bricks were put in the van and rebuilt on the street. After so many uses at such high temperatures the normal bricks and even special fire-bricks began to crack and posed a risk of collapse while using the stove. Thus we decided to design a new, super-portable, efficient charring station. 

Blueprint of the new charring station

The body of the charring station consists of an old oil drum, an inlet for passing the wood to be treated through, a feeder for fuel, and a hole to attach a chimney. It mimics the previous charring station with the L shape encouraging an upward draft. The feeder is made of an old fire extinguisher welded on with extra metal for support. 

With the use of two rollers, 1 person can manage the charring station themselves. If the fire is burning well and frequently stocked, it is possible to char a 3m 30x3cm board in 10-15 minutes for both sides. 

The efficiency and speed of this burning station allowed us to burn all the wood for the board and batten cladding of the house in Esposende. Furthermore, this higher degree of flame control allowed us to achieve a uniform result for the boards to not warp and lose their integrity. 

For improvements of the burning station we would advise a metal plate on the lip of the openings for the board to rest on – otherwise it can mark the board. Additionally, a way to adjust the opening for different sizes of boards would increase the efficiency by reducing excess draft. 

Top Tips

Have an ample supply of fuel available to keep the fire well stocked and at a medium-high flame.If the flame is burning too high it is better to do a few quick passes to avoid over-charring the wood which can result in warping.Apply raw linseed oil after charring to compensate for loss of moisture and flexibility.If the wood does warp and you are using it for board and batten cladding, mount the board with the bend curving away from the wall to reduce pressure and prevent cracking. 

There are a few drawbacks of this method and these should be considered before employing this technique in your own projects. One is the time intensive nature of the process. The burning station was fired up most days of the 6 weeks of Esposende workshop. This works if there are many hands available to take on the relatively low-skill task and take turns amongst each other. However it may prove tiresome for a self-build project. The second drawback is the issue of smoke. At Critical Concrete HQ we have neighbours in close proximity, requiring us to build an extra tall chimney to prevent smoking out the neighbours. Having ample space is also a factor to consider. The actual working site of Esposende was relatively small, however, we were lucky to be able to use the quiet street, much to the amusement of the neighbours! Looking to our next renovation project we will need to contain construction activities as much as possible as the street is very narrow with no pavement. For situations when these drawbacks are apparent we endeavour to find more suitable solutions. 

New burning station

Yakisugi cladding on wooden substructure treated with TRICOIL

Swedish Paint / Flour Paint

Filling the requirements of cheap, scalable, non-toxic and accessible ingredients, Swedish Paint is an excellent choice. Swedish paint has long been used as the primary choice for wood protection in many Nordic countries. It can endure the harsh climate while offering an appealing aesthetic. 

Swedish Paint can last for up to a decade before a new application is needed.
Photo by Anders Nord


This is a new method for us and we have tried out one recipe using the materials we had available in the workshop [2].

For 3 litres of paint the following measurements can be used:

300g of flour3l of water600g of pigment300ml of linseed oil

For pigment, we used red clay that we had left over from making a rammed earth floor and wood ash from a local saw mill. There are many options for pigment, do some research and see what is available in your local area. 

This is the very beginning of our research with Swedish paint so there will be more information to come in the future as we experiment with different recipes and ingredients. We will leave these samples outside to see how they withstand the weather.

Paint samples using wood ash and clay


[1] ​​https://www.artamin.it/impregnante-ad-olio-fatto-in-casa/

[2] https://engelleben-free-fr.translate.goog/index.php/recette-de-la-peinture-a-la-farine-protection-des-bois-exterieurs?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=ajax,elem&_x_tr_sch=http

The post Natural Wood Protection – Vol. 2 first appeared on Critical Concrete.
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Knowing Our Food: Scraps

Knowing Our Food: Scraps

Picture the last food scrap you threw away. Maybe you were dumping some potato peels in the trash, or composting the outer leaves of a cauliflower. Why did you throw it away? Was it for aesthetic reasons? Did you consider any of that food inedible? Did you have patience in that moment to think of a reason to keep it? Were you out of containers to store it in? There are a multitude of reasons why food ends up in the bin, but we hope this article can make it easier to give your food (waste) another chance.

Food waste, as we’ve explored in this series on food knowledge, is one of the most urgent yet avoidable contributors to climate change. Even a single apple that goes to waste due to poor storage strategies or aesthetic imperfections represents a loss of all its embodied energy. That is to say, all the water and land used to grow it, all the energy used to transport and store it, and all of the caloric energy it could have provided to someone are squandered. At such a small scale, it’s negligible, and yet when everyone believes that throwing away food is not a big deal, it leads to enormous quantities of waste that often end up in landfills, releasing methane (a potent greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere.

Reframing Fruit Scraps

One way to reduce food waste is to rethink what you consider food. Of course, this isn’t to say that you should go around eating nut shells and parts of food that leave you with indigestion, but some foods that we are taught to discard have great flavors and health benefits. 

On the most basic level, this applies to fruits with soft peels. Your apple, pear, peach, or nectarine skins can and should be eaten, but certain dessert recipes ask you to peel them, and in those cases, you can enjoy the peel by itself or use it in tea. Beyond those four, kiwi skin adds fiber and flavor when you eat it with the rest of the fruit, and dried pomegranate and hazelnut skin can be pulverized and added to smoothies or sprinkled on meals as a supplement. But fruit scraps don’t just have to be healthy; we highly recommend making treats out of your lemon and orange rinds. Although candied citrus rinds are great dipped in chocolate or sprinkled on cakes, the ones we made were devoured before they could make it to those stages.

More unusually, banana skins make a wonderful meat substitute in some recipes, like tacos or lasagna. Watermelon rinds make good pickles, but they can also be candied by cooking them in sugar syrup. If you make your own milk alternatives at home, you can use the strained almond, oat, rice, or cashew pulp for baking by replacing some of the flour in a recipe with pulp. (Be aware that milk pulp as a flour replacement will have an effect on the moisture and gluten content, so it only works in small ratios of pulp to flour and doesn’t work for difficult pastries, like croissants.) Another unusual recipe we tried was jam made out of passion fruit rinds. By boiling the rinds, taking the skin off, and mashing them with sugar, we cooked a slightly floral and astringent spread that goes well with bread or scones.

Vegetable Scrap Recipes

It’s helpful to rethink how you treat the scraps from your vegetables, too. Make sure not to waste delicious broccoli stalks or beet greens, and definitely don’t throw out the peels of your root vegetables. When a recipe requires peeled potatoes, the peels make a crispy snack or garnish when baked with some oil. Carrot greens transform into a delicious pesto when blended with oil, garlic, sunflower seeds, and salt.

Anything hard to chew can be blended into sauces, as is the case with kale stems and pea shells, and the stems of chard can be pickled. You can even sauté the tough green ends of leeks! The leaves of cauliflower, broccoli or romanesco broccoli should be cooked and eaten as well. Fava pods can be eaten whole, by grilling or sautéing them. When we tried out this recipe, we topped the pods with lemon juice, salt, chili flakes, and mint. 

It should go without mentioning that any vegetable scraps can be made into broth. Herb stems are superb for this purpose, but celery, onions, leeks, carrots, potatoes, and celery root all provide scraps to flavor your broth. Sometimes, there isn’t enough waste to produce broth, so these scraps can be stored in the freezer while you collect enough.

Similarly to broth, parts of some foods can be added to teas or infused on their own. This is most true for leaves, especially artichoke, persimmon, and strawberry leaves, and for dried or fresh citrus rind. 

Other Food Scrap Uses

Food scraps have purposes beyond just culinary! When making a vinegar-based cleaning solution for your house, lemon, orange and grapefruit rinds add a nice aroma. Banana skins serve as aphid repellents when they are chopped up and buried a couple inches deep around the base of a plant, and have anti-inflammatory properties when used on irritated skin. Coffee grounds and oat, almond and rice milk pulp are great body exfoliants, with rice and oat pulp having additional soothing properties when used on facial skin.

Many food scraps can be used to regrow foods, and these experiments double as educational projects as well. Root vegetables can be regrown by placing the tops of the root in water until new leaves begin to grow, at which point they can be planted in soil. Ginger pieces the size of an inch can be planted directly, and in very little time they will grow more ginger. Long, green vegetables such as celery, lemongrass, leeks, and green onions can be regrown by placing one inch of the bottom part of the plant (not counting the length of the roots) in a tray or glass of water until it begins to grow again. They can then be planted in soil. Leafy vegetables such as lettuce or endives undergo a similar process: the bottom parts are placed in water for several days or a few weeks until there is new growth and they can be moved to soil.

Scrap Dyes

We’ve saved the most exciting use for last: dyes! Many fruit and vegetable skins have tannins that help dyes bond well to natural fibers like cotton, linen, wool, or silk. The most well-known dyes made from food scraps are onion skins and avocado pits and skins. Yellow onion skins make yellow and orange dyes, red onion skins create colors between light lilac and deep magenta, and avocado scraps make a pink dye.

These dyes can be made stronger with alum powder, a mordant which helps dyes adhere to fabric better, but they can be used without it as well because of the presence of tannins in these food scraps. Some natural dyes, like the brown colors from chestnut and walnut shells, are vastly improved with the use of a mordant. Pomegranate rinds make a yellow dye and the leaves from loquat trees make a pink dye, both of which work best using a mordant.

Scraps in the Big Picture

Sometimes the scraps from your food just can’t be eaten or used, and that’s okay! When you get to this point, what’s most important is diverting your food waste from the landfill. If your city has a municipal composting program, you may have curbside compost pickup which is an easy way to reduce the emissions of your food waste, but you can also easily set up a compost in your own backyard, or get a small vermicomposting bin for your kitchen. Food waste can also be used to feed a biodigester, which produces biogas that you can use for energy. Both composts and biodigesters are part of our ongoing research at our production center, so you can expect an article soon about the merits and challenges of these systems in an urban setting. And lastly, if you do not have access to municipal or domestic compost where you live, you can see if any farmer’s markets or local gardens collect compost, and bring your food waste to them on a weekly basis. 

When it comes to food, there are so many systemic and cultural barriers to consuming it mindfully and avoiding waste. Overcoming preconceptions about food scraps that are seen as non-food is one part of working against these entrenched cultural beliefs that promote excessive waste. The problem, like any environmental issue, does not come down to just personal choices, but when these small changes are implemented at a wide scale, they can have significant effects, not just in the amount of food that goes to waste, but towards treating the food we have with respect. When we stop taking food for granted, we respect the seasonality of our produce, and stop letting vegetables go bad due to poor storage. You can read about these two related practices in the previous articles of our Knowing Our Food trilogy, and learn about how to preserve food for long or short periods.

The post Knowing Our Food: Scraps first appeared on Critical Concrete.

Knowing our Food: Preservation

Knowing our Food: Preservation

If you are interested in our kimchi making process, click here to skip to the section about kimchi directly.

Do you ever stop to think about how you’re able to enjoy fresh strawberries, blueberries, and peaches in Winter? Contemporary food systems make an enormous variety of food available at any time of year. Produce travels long distances to be sold where it isn’t in season, undermining the business of small farms and emitting greenhouse gases. Local foods are riper at harvest because of shorter travel times, and choosing to buy local also supports the local economy. But even while shopping local, unseasonal food can be harmful to the environment; energy-intensive food production methods like greenhouses can produce 3-10 times the emissions as imported foods.[1]

Understanding why our food goes bad and what accelerates its decay helps reduce food waste, but fridges are only good at storing fresh produce for relatively short periods. There is a wide range of alternatives to fridge storage that keep fruits and vegetables from rotting for months or even years. This article will detail some long-term storage methods and their benefits depending on region and culinary purposes, and we will take you through our process of fermenting cabbage for kimchi.

When you decide to cut down the carbon emissions of your food, the produce available to you changes seasonally. The good news is that there are ways to store these foods for long periods so that you can still eat and cook with foods after their peak seasons. Alternatives to refrigerating food have existed throughout history, but the availability and convenience of the fridge has brought some of these practices out of the mainstream.

The two categories of traditional, low-tech food preservation are storing food in containers that control temperature and humidity, or preparing food to slow down its decay. 

Storage Methods for Food Preservation

It is important to note that food storage differs in summer and winter because different variables cause food decay in each season. Traditional food storage containers address the needs of produce through passive strategies that make use of the climate.

Zeer Pot

In hot and dry climates, natural fridges make use of evaporative cooling on the outer surface of a clay pot. In this method known as the Zeer Pot, water evaporation converts sensible heat to latent heat. This means that energy is released when liquid water is converted to vapor, reducing the temperature inside the container. The method uses two clay pots, one inside of the other. Between the pots is a layer of sand into which water is poured to begin the evaporative cooling process. Evaporation is continuous, ensuring that the natural fridge stays cool all day, but it relies on an outside temperature hot and dry enough to cause evaporation. Because the Zeer Pot serves the function of a fridge, it does not extend the life of food or preserve it any longer than a fridge, but it is necessary to mention when discussing how to store food without refrigerators or freezers. 

Root clamp using upcycled container

In cool climates and during the Winter months, some vegetables can stay fresh for longer by taking advantage of a steady temperature underground. Root vegetables can avoid frost by being buried, as ground temperatures fluctuate significantly less per day and can stay warmer than the winter air temperature.

Burying vegetables (and some fruits) can be done through covering the planted vegetables with soil or straw, or through harvesting the vegetables and putting them in small underground holes called clamps or silos.[2] Underground food cellars, when available, serve the same purpose. Given that a majority of the world population lives in urban areas, the first option is not as accessible, as it relies on growing your own food in large quantities. The last option, an underground root cellar, is useful for larger quantities of foods and can also be used to extend the shelf life of more than just fruits and vegetables.

Root Cellar

The most accessible of the three ways of burying vegetables is the “clamp” or pits that are completely or partially buried. These can be built relatively quickly using very little garden space and can upcycle used household items (such as washers or steamers). Proper care must be taken to ventilate to avoid mold and to protect the food from rodents or other pests. For protection against rodents, the trench can be lined with rust-resistant metal mesh, which simultaneously aids ventilation. Another method to strengthen ventilation is to place a bundle of twigs in the center of the pit to act as an air shaft. The old drums of washing machines are perforated, which makes them perfect pest protection, but bricks can also be used for the walls and ground of the pit as well. To protect against rain, a plastic sheet can be used to cover the pit, although there may be a problem if the soil around the vegetables becomes extremely saturated from heavy rainfall. 

Root Clamp

Sand storage is helpful to use in tandem with other cold storage methods because it regulates moisture conditions. It can be done at multiple scales, so in large boxes in a root cellar, in a root clamp or food pit, or even at the bottom of your fridge drawer, and it works with all root vegetables, onions, leeks, shallots, and cauliflower.[3] Sand storage entails pouring sand into a container and then submerging the vegetables completely.[4] The sand serves the purpose of a humidity regulator, removing excess moisture, so vegetables cannot be washed before they are stored in this way.[5] Sand storage requires that there be space for ventilation between the vegetables being stored, and the sand container should stay out of heated rooms or areas that are below freezing.[6] If you do not have a food pit, cellar, or food clamp, you can use this method on its own if you have a cold enough garage or, as mentioned above, in the bottom of your fridge drawer.[7]

Preservation Through Food Preparation


Drying food using a dehydrator, an oven, and the sun

Drying is a method best used for fruit, mushrooms and herbs. It is more easily done during summer because there is more heat and more fruit available to dry, but in the winter, citrus and fungi can be dried in the oven which helps heat the house. Vegetables can also be dried, but they should be blanched, or boiled quickly, before drying, which removes some healthy enzymes.[8] Dried foods retain most of their vitamins, except vitamin C, which degrades quickly.

Foods can be dried in the sun, in an oven, or in a dehydrator, making sure to allow sufficient space for ventilation. The process of drying takes several hours, but it is very hands-off, as most of the work involved is preparing the food by slicing it and putting it on drying trays. When using the oven, care should be taken to set a low enough temperature to avoid burning. Dried fruit is a delicious snack and can be added to baked goods for its flavor and texture. Mushrooms and herbs are multipurpose when dried, and just like dried herbs, mushrooms can be ground to produce a delicious seasoning powder for any meal.


Fermented foods preserve well because the acidic environment blocks bacteria from multiplying. Lactic fermentation is the process in which lactic microbial organisms convert sugars into lactic acid, creating an acidic environment that inhibits bacterial growth.[9] It is best known for making sauerkraut and other cabbage dishes, like kimchi and Salvadorian curtido. Usually the process is to cut vegetables, season them, and leave them in their own juices to ferment for a few days or a few weeks. Then, jars are stored in a cool place—either in a cellar or fridge—and last a year or more. At room temperature, sauerkraut lasts up to a few months,[10] but kimchi will only last about a week if left out.[11] Lactic fermentation allows more raw vegetables to be eaten throughout the year without relying on food travelling long distances. When eaten uncooked, fermented foods preserve their enzyme and vitamin content while adding healthy probiotics.[12] Fermentation adds acidity and a distinct fermented flavor.[13]

Canning and Salting

Canning relies on heat to kill both bacteria and enzymes.[14] Canned food is prepared by placing food in sterilized jars, then boiling the closed jars of food for several minutes to stop factors that cause decay, so the food stays edible almost indefinitely.[15] Canning is an easy process that is helpful for storing foods that will be cooked anyway. However, if we relied on canning to preserve all our food, we would miss out on beneficial enzymes and vitamins.

Salting protects food from the multiplication of bacteria because salt draws the moisture out, creating an inhospitable environment.[16] Often, salted food is rinsed before it is used for cooking, which reduces the sodium but, unfortunately, removes some of the nutritional value from water-soluble vitamins.[17] To work around this disadvantage, salting is best used if the preserved food is intended to be cooked with a high amount of salt, such as in broth, or simply consumed in small quantities.[18]

Our Approach

Every method for storing food in the long-term has specific conditions for which it is ideal. At Critical Concrete, we implemented some of these strategies according to the conditions in Porto.

Local climate is a necessary component of food storage strategies. In the case of Zeer Pots, low humidity is essential to ensure evaporation. As Porto is relatively humid even in the summer, evaporative fridges are not appropriate for keeping food cool in this area. On the other hand, burying produce is optimal in a cool and dry climate.[19] It can even be effective in places that receive snow, as long as certain precautions are taken against moisture.[20] Food preparation for preservation often lasts six months or more. Fermented foods last longer when stored away from sunlight and direct heat, while dried foods need to be stored in a dry environment, such as in dry bags or jars.

Pouring water in the sand layer of our natural fridge to trigger evaporation

In the Summer of 2019 we attempted to build a natural fridge. However, the temperatures inside were not cold enough to store food; on the hottest day, the fridge was 17 degrees, and on cooler days the temperature inside was 13 at the lowest. This is quite logical given Porto’s humid climate, which resulted in less evaporation, and on the warmest day we recorded temperatures, it was only 21 degrees outside. Our unfortunate results emphasize the need for attention to specific climate in storage methods for food preservation.


To look into food preparation methods for long-term storage, we attempted lactic fermentation, using a recipe for vegan kimchi available on the blog Maangchi.com.

We compressed it into the jars to avoid air bubbles. After 5 days fermenting at room temperature, we placed the delicious kimchi in the fridge. (Normally, fermentation at room temperature only occurs for 1-2 days, but we stored it in a very cold unheated room.)

In these before and after images, we can see the evidence of fermentation: there are dozens of air bubbles where, prior to fermentation, we could only see a few. The difference in hue is only due to the artificial lighting used in the first image, however the cabbage is slightly more translucent after fermentation.

Our kimchi turned out wonderfully, but we noticed a few things in the process of making it. First is that it is not shelf stable, relying on the refrigerator to extend the lifetime past a week. (When we build a cool cellar in the Critical Concrete kitchen, the kimchi can be moved there to limit reliance on the fridge.) Secondly, when getting the cabbage ready to ferment, we noticed that the wider jar made it easier (than two other small jars we filled) to pack kimchi without allowing bubbles. Third of all, though slightly minor, is that when preparing kimchi, it is necessary to soak cabbage in brine and then rinse several times to remove the salt. This has the same caveat as preserving food with salt: losing water-soluble nutrients from rinsing. That being said, kimchi makes up for any lost nutrients in probiotics and flavor, and can last more than a year when stored correctly.


When used in the relatively humid summers of Porto, the Zeer Pot technique offered little relief from the hot outside temperatures. In drier climates, it could be a simple and low tech way to expand cold storage or, even better when possible, reduce the need for a fridge. During the winter, burying food is a great way to extend the life of vegetables, although, as mentioned, the reality of urban living makes it difficult to accomplish in many homes. If it is an option, there are many traditional ways to go about it, but each one needs to carefully protect against moisture, cold, and pests.

How to store food outside of the fridge

Salting and canning are two simple methods of food preservation that are perfect for certain dishes, but both affect the nutrient content of food significantly. Dried food offers a wide variety of purposes: in baked goods, as snacks, or as seasoning. As most homes have an oven, it is quite accessible. During the summer it is more energy efficient, but, on the other hand, can help heat your home in winter. The process of fermenting requires very little energy expenditure and can be used for a wide variety of produce, but it is especially suited for vegetables. In fact, as drying can be better for fruits and fungi, and fermenting is great for vegetables, these two methods of preservation complement each other. Although fermentation alters the flavor of raw foods, this can be a benefit. In the case of our homemade kimchi, fermentation was a success. However, it failed to reduce our reliance on the fridge, while still posing some of the problems of salt-preserved food.

Our food culture is built around having every variety of food available constantly, without inspiring consumers to consider where and how that food is produced. There are often significant challenges to eating local, seasonal food, and, at the same time, it won’t solve the world’s problems to only eat such food. However, eating seasonal food when possible leads to more delicious, nutritious meals and helps the environment simultaneously. 

Stay tuned for our next food article in the series, on the use of food scraps.


[1] Ritchie, Hannah. “You Want to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Food? Focus on What You Eat, Not Whether Your Food Is Local.” Our World in Data, Global Change Data Lab, 24 Jan. 2020, ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local. 

[2] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[3] https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/storing-root-crops-in-sand.htm#:~:text=Root%20veggies%20that%20grow%20vertically,to%20entombing%20them%20in%20sand. accessed 18 February, 2021.

[4] https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/storing-root-crops-in-sand.htm#:~:text=Root%20veggies%20that%20grow%20vertically,to%20entombing%20them%20in%20sand. accessed 18 February, 2021.

[5] https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/storing-root-crops-in-sand.htm#:~:text=Root%20veggies%20that%20grow%20vertically,to%20entombing%20them%20in%20sand. accessed 18 February, 2021.

[6] https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/storing-root-crops-in-sand.htm#:~:text=Root%20veggies%20that%20grow%20vertically,to%20entombing%20them%20in%20sand. accessed 18 February, 2021.

[7] https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/storing-root-crops-in-sand.htm#:~:text=Root%20veggies%20that%20grow%20vertically,to%20entombing%20them%20in%20sand. accessed 18 February, 2021.

[8] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[9] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[10] https://growyourpantry.com/blogs/fermenting-pickling-preserving/how-long-does-sauerkraut-last, accessed 18/01/21.

[11] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/does-kimchi-go-bad#shelf-life, accessed 18/01/21.

[12]Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[13] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[14] Seymour, John. The Self-Sufficient Gardener: A Complete Guide to Growing and Preserving All Your Own Food. Dolphin, 1980. 

[15] Seymour, John. The Self-Sufficient Gardener: A Complete Guide to Growing and Preserving All Your Own Food. Dolphin, 1980. 

[16] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[17] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[18] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[19] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

[20] Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Chelsea Green Pub., 2007. 

The post Knowing our Food: Preservation first appeared on Critical Concrete.

Knowing Our Food: Storage

Knowing Our Food: Storage

Though food nourishes us every day, there is still much that we can learn about it. At Critical Concrete, we aim to consume as much local, seasonal food as possible and we have recently started growing it ourselves in our food forest. Unfortunately, it is quite common that we as a society eat food without paying attention to its seasonal availability; it is easy to be influenced by a globalized system that makes practically any food available at any time in the year regardless of climate and the environmental impact. The production of food outside of its peak season can have 3-10 times the emissions as food imported from better climates, so it is important to not only support local farmers, but also to mind the seasonality of fruits and vegetables.[1] While some imported foods, such as almonds and avocados, are imported by boat and have a lower footprint than locally produced options, other more perishable foods are freighted by air, which creates 50 times the carbon emissions as boat transportation.[2] Aside from environmental friendliness, seasonal, local food can be more nutritious and flavorful as it has more time to ripen before harvest, and supports small farms and sustainable farming practices.

That being said, choosing local and seasonal produce means nothing if our food goes bad before we have the chance to eat it. That means that storing food to extend its lifespan is highly important. This research grew out of our curiosity to know more about alternative ways of storing food that are not energy consuming. However, as we encountered more information, the research evolved to focus more on food knowledge, with the aim of informing ourselves and our readers about the needs of our fruits and vegetables and how we can store and consume them. Our upcoming articles from this research will delve into the topics long-term storage, food production, and the use of food scraps, and in this article, we will discuss how to make use of conventional kitchen storage to keep food fresh. 

Food Waste and the Fridge

Food waste is an immense problem that worsens each year. In fact, fighting food waste has been determined to be one of the most urgent solutions to fighting climate change.[3] The production and disposal of wasted food results in water waste, land waste and deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions. Although a tremendous amount of food waste is the result of industrial food practices, in Europe 42% of food is thrown out by the consumer, and only one third of that food wasted consists of inedible residuals (skin, shells, peels).[4] Regardless of whether climate change can be tackled through individual actions, consumers can still reduce the amount of food lost to spoilage in their own homes. Even if it does not solve environmental issues in and of itself, when we learn about proper food storage and reduce our waste, we save money and take the first steps toward better societal food practices.

At first we were inclined to look for alternatives to our usual house appliances like the fridges, as refrigerants like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the main cause of the depletion of the ozone layer.[5] This led us to a few methods of long-term storage, which we built as prototypes to evaluate their efficacy in the climate our research lab is located in. Keep an eye out for our next article, detailing these methods and their benefits for different foods and environments.

However, it can’t be ignored that storing food in the fridge and freezer is such common practice, so this article will describe the ways to reduce food waste in the context of conventional storage practices. Thus we first have to analyse the way the fridge is used, to know its strong and weak points and the way it works. Additionally, it is crucial to understand the process of food decay and the science behind it. Once it is understood how food decays, the same principles can be applied everywhere. In order to reach a balance in the system, minimizing waste and prolonging the life of food, we must first know the needs of fruits and vegetables and demystify their storage environments, both artificial and natural.

Where to store different fruits and vegetables

Food Decay

Knowledge about everyday storage of fruits and vegetables is essential. In order to better understand the proper storage of fresh vegetables and fruits, the first step is to clarify the biochemical characteristics and processes which occur after harvesting. This knowledge can help reveal why certain foods become rotten very fast whereas other foods last for a long time. This phenomenon is influenced by two factors: the speed of natural metabolism depending on the specific plant and the way it is stored. 

Enzymes are proteins which serve as catalysts to chemical changes in living organisms and there are thousands of different enzymes with varying functions. Enzymes in our food cause changes to fruit and vegetables which cause them to spoil. In cool temperatures, these enzymes slow their activity, and they can die when cooked above 60 degrees.[6] 

Aside from enzymes, three other rotting agents can reduce the life of food. These are mold, which is visible, yeasts, which convert sugars into alcohol through fermentation, and bacteria, some of which can poison food.[7] Using this information, we can determine how to avoid mold and bacteria, and slow down the process of decay.

Conditions for storage

The best storage method for a given food depends primarily on three parameters: temperature, humidity and ripening.

Temperature: Cooling down slows down the metabolic process and thus has an immense effect on preservation. Nevertheless, there are certain plants, such as bananas, tomatoes, eggplants or cucumber which are very sensitive to the cold and also others which lose vitamins and taste.[8] Moreover you should take into consideration where in the refrigerator to put things. The middle and the back are usually colder than the other areas of the fridge.[9] As there is no cooling on the bottom cold air coming from the middle can warm up and rise up which leads to the different temperatures levels.[10] 

Zones of the fridge and their temperatures

Humidity: Many fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, leafy greens, carrots and roots, are susceptible to humidity loss and shriveling.[11] For these, it is important to ensure a high level of atmospheric humidity. Many refrigerators have a crisper drawer for vegetables in order to keep a higher level of humidity. Some vegetables that should definitely be stored in the crisper drawer are spring onions, celery root, spinach, and leeks.[12] Otherwise, vegetables that are susceptible to moisture loss can be wrapped in damp towels and stored in other areas of the fridge.

Ripening: In basic terms, ripening can divide produce into two groups: the kind that continues the process of ripening after the harvest and the kind which abruptly stop ripening when harvested. This fact depends on the natural plant hormone ethylene. Ethylene is a gaseous hydrocarbon (C₂H₄) which speeds up the ripening process.[13] Some fruits and vegetables release ethylene gas in the process of becoming ripe.[14] Others, by contrast, are sensitive to ethylene and absorb it.[15] If you do not want to speed up the ripening and  spoiling effect, try to store ethylene-sensitive vegetables apart from those which release a lot of ethylene. 

Ethylene production and sensitivity in fruits and vegetables

According to their ethylene production, apples, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, avocados, kiwi, mango and bananas should be stored apart from other fruits and vegetables.[16] But you can also make use of this property when you want something to ripen faster. In that case, you purposefully store high ethylene producers together with ethylene sensitive ones.[17] When you have green tomatoes you can store them together with apples in order to get them to ripen faster.      

Referring to proper storage, there are some rules of thumb about food that should never be stored in the refrigerator. Fruits sensitive to cold are pineapples, avocados, bananas, mandarins, mango and melons.[18] Vegetables sensitive to cold are artichokes, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, garlic and onions.[19] Nevertheless, there are some real divas who cannot really decide whether they want to be stored in the fridge or in the room. Cucumbers and zucchinis for example are sensitive to cold but if too warm they lose humidity and start to shrivel fast.[19] Therefore, they should be stored in the crisper drawer or in the top part of the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp towel to avoid cold damage and humidity loss.[20]        

Additional Specific Storage Strategies 

With this knowledge of general food storage, we can delve into more specific ways to increase the lifespan of our fruits and vegetables. Berries and cherries are susceptible to mold, so they should not be washed until just before they are eaten.[21] Also, berries are often quite fragile and should be stored in a single layer, if possible.[22] Figs are sensitive to humidity, which makes paper bags good storage containers to absorb their excess moisture, but they can also be stored on plates in the fridge.[23]

As for vegetables, removing rubber bands from the stems is always the first step.[24] Radishes, beets, carrots, and turnips, should be separated from their greens to avoid losing moisture in the roots.[25] Then, the roots can be stored in an open container with a wet towel placed on top.[26] Greens are best in closed containers alongside a damp cloth to keep them from drying.[27] However, you can save room in the fridge by storing kale, chard, and collard greens upright in glasses of water on the counter.[28] Celery and fennel can be stored this way as well.[29] Asparagus is best stored upright in a water inside the fridge.[30] It should be noted that using paper bags, reusable containers, glasses, or damp cloths should make it easy to eliminate the need for any single-use plastic inside the fridge.


Hopefully, being more cognisant of the needs of fruits and vegetables can limit food ending up in the trash or compost. Now that we understand how the chemical processes happening inside fruits and vegetables cause them to react to different conditions, we can store it in the right way. We can take advantage of the different areas inside your fridge, and organize our fridges to maximize the lifespan of our food. To help adjust to all this new information, we produced a chart to help understand fruits and vegetables and store them in the best way possible. Download it, print it, and put it on the wall in your kitchen! 

In our next article about food we will discuss different ways to store food for longer periods of time and the benefits of each method. Stay tuned to learn how fruits and vegetables can be enjoyed past the periods when they are in season, without forfeiting the nutritional value and flavor of eating seasonal food.



[1] https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local, opened 8.12.2020.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Hawken, Paul. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. New York, New York: Penguin Books, 2017.

[4] Principato, Ludovica. Food Waste at Consumer Level a Comprehensive Literature Review. Springer International Publishing, 2018. p. 5.

[5] https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-and-effects-of-ozone-hole.php, opened 8th of December, 2020.

[6] Seymour, John. The Self-Sufficient Gardener: A Complete Guide to Growing and Preserving All Your Own Food. Dolphin Books, 1980. 

[7] Ibid.

[8] https://www.rollende-gemuesekiste.de/wp-content/uploads/Lagertipps.pdf, opened 24.11.2020.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.


[12]https://myplasticfreelife.com/wp-content/uploads/images/Berkeley%20Farmers%20Market%20Tips%20for%20Storing%20Produce.pdf, opened 27.11.2020.

[13] https://www.theproducenerd.com/2018/02/what-is-ethylene-how-is-it-used/, opened 10.12.2020 December

[14] Ibid.

[15] Ibid.

[16] Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft. Verbraucherinformationen Obst Und Gemüse Richtig Lagern, 2003.

[17] https://www.rollende-gemuesekiste.de/wp-content/uploads/Lagertipps.pdf 

[18]https://myplasticfreelife.com/wp-content/uploads/images/Berkeley%20Farmers%20Market%20Tips%20for%20Storing%20Produce.pdf, opened 27.11.2020.

[19] Ibid.

[20] Ibid.

[21] Ibid.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Ibid.

[24] Ibid.

[25] Ibid.

[26] Ibid.

[27] Ibid.

[29] Ibid.

[30] Ibid.

The post Knowing Our Food: Storage first appeared on Critical Concrete.
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The reality of concrete

The reality of concrete

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Concrete, as the most used building material worldwide has a huge impact on our cities, societies and environment. Much of our research is based on the idea to create an alternative solution for conventional methods of building, such as building with concrete. In this article, we will tackle basic and relevant knowledge and information about concrete, to understand why it is important to think about alternative solutions for the future of our building habits. This write-up will be part of a series of small papers related to meaningful knowledge, to understand why it’s urgent to rethink our conventional building approaches.

Concrete, cement & mortar – definitions

To give a brief overview of what we are talking about in specific, we will first define the most important terminologies that we will need to understand the whole topic around concrete.
Four important terms you should know about and understand their exact definitions: 

Diagram showing the composition of concrete
Typical composition of concrete

cement  // səˈment

Cement is the key ingredient to mix concrete. This product is mainly made out of crushed limestone mixed with shales and slates, shredded to a fine powder and heated up to approximately 1450°C. The heat causes a chemical reaction, also known as calcination.[1] That reaction along with the heating process causes a high amount of carbon-dioxide emissions, which makes cement production a big driver of greenhouse gas emissions. The entire process happens in a giant mixer, called a cement kiln. [2] The most popular kind of cement is portland cement, developed in England in the early 19th century. [3]

concrete // ˈkänˌkrēt

Concrete is an artificial building material, which consists of a binding agent like cement or lime, in addition to water and aggregates (sand and gravel) as well as potential  additives (like fly ash or plasticizers). The cementitious part gets liquified with water. By adding water to the cement a chemical reaction is caused and the process of crystallization begins. In the next step some additives such as gravel and sand are added. These aggregates are held together by the liquified cement. Once the whole mixture is cured, this process will finish with a solidified product, called concrete.

mortar // ˈmôrdər

Mortar is a workable paste, used to bind bricks, stones or to fill gaps and holes. The basis is made out of a binding agent (such as slaked lime, ash or, most commonly nowadays, cement) added with water and a fine aggregate, mainly sand. 

Mortar is one of the oldest building materials, used for many thousand years. For a long time, slaked lime, volcanic ashes or clay worked as a binding agent. During the nineteenth century portland cement was invented. From that time cementitious mortar rose in popularity and replaced the old binding products.

These two kinds of mortar differ in two ways. On the one hand cementitious mortars usually are more workable due to faster curing, higher water resistance and less cracking, on the other hand non-cementitious mortars significantly cut greenhouse emissions while processing. It even can absorb CO2, which appears to happen when lime mortar cracks, so that air (especially CO2) can be absorbed. By absorbing CO2, lime mortar is even molding and gets even stronger.[4] To put it plainly:  it’s an environmentally friendly and more sustainable alternative.

reinforced concrete // ˈˌrēinˈfôrst ˈkänˌkrēt

In most cases concrete is combined with steel rebars, to compensate for the low tensile strength. The capability of concrete to react on compressive load is ten times bigger than the capability to bear tension loads.[5]

A more advanced and further developed version of conventionally reinforced concrete is prestressed concrete. To make concrete structures more durable against tensile forces, tendons, a high performing kind of rebar gets tensioned. Mainly these tendons are wires or threaded rebars. When applying in the casted concrete, the concrete part gets compressed, which gives the structure a higher performance, while being in service. [6]

Why is cement concrete so popular?

There are many reasons for its popularity: its liquid stone characteristics were revolutionary and created the possibility to make nearly every form out of concrete.

Cement concrete structures can be segmented and precast, making it suitable for big construction projects; and once solidified, it is a very strong material with the ability to bear high amounts of load. Designers adopted the versatile material, and nowadays we find furniture and accessories made of this material, in every kind of shape.

The use of concrete can be dated back to the ancient times. Romans mastered the use of hydraulic lime as a binding agent, called “opus caementicium”. After the fall of the Roman empire, the use of concrete faded, till it got resurrected in the early 19th century. Instead of using hydraulic lime, portland cement, a further development of the ancient version, was invented and led to a big rise in popularity of concrete in building industries. The first buildings during this time were bridges, foundations and harbours, facilitated by the compressive strength and workability of the new material.[7] 

In the late 19th century iron rods, and later steel rebars, were added to poured concrete to increase tensile strength. It was mainly developed by the French Joseph Monier [8]  – an invention which is ubiquitous in building industries nowadays. This invention led to a big rise in popularity in the residential and social housing sector. In comparison to conventional houses in those days, new concrete based housing projects were more durable, termite and fire resistant. The workability of concrete made it fast and easy to use on site. Pre-castable and serial development of construction elements cut costs significantly. In the 50s of the last century, concrete played a major role in evolving the architectural style of Brutalism, a socio-aesthetically driven architecture movement of showing raw, honest constructions often used for big scale civic and public projects. This architectural style was a dominating force during the next two decades. [9]

In addition, the raw materials of concrete are available in large quantities around the globe, which makes concrete cheap to produce. Limestone, sand and gravel are quite cheap. The main processing costs are caused by the cement production. 

What quantity of resources are needed to produce cement concrete?

Image showing 3.8t of concrete per person globally

There are four main components of cement concrete (cement, water, sand and gravel). For reinforced concrete, there is an additional component – steel. Besides these materials, there are more raw resources needed to produce the main ingredients. To produce one tonne of cement, approximately two tonnes of raw limestone are necessary. [10] The production of cement is a high energy consuming process. One ton of cement takes about 120 kWh of energy in process heating. This energy is mainly obtained from fossil fuels and burning waste. [11]

The cement concrete recipe

There are several different recipes for making concrete. The recipes mainly differ in the ratio of cement and the added aggregates. Concrete can be mixed with different ratios to get a higher load bearing capacity or to get a higher ability to withstand different exposures, such as seawater, moisture or frost.

The following recipes just give you a basic overview about how a classic mixture of concrete could look like:
A standard concrete mix consists of 1 part water (7,7%), 2 parts cement (15,4%) , 4 parts sand (30,7%) and 6 parts gravel (46,1%). [12] 

The higher the load the more cement you’ll need (f.e. a concrete column, foundation needs 1 part water (11,1%), 2 parts cement (22,2%), 2 parts sand (22,2%) and 4 parts gravel (44,4%) ).
Around 70% of the built concrete constructions are reinforced with steel, so you would usually have to add a certain percentage of steel rebars to the produced concrete (60-80 kg/m3 of concrete).[13]

That means a ton of average concrete consists of:

77 kg of water (7,7%)154 kg of cement (15,4%)307 kg of sand (30,7%)461 kg of gravel (46,1%)
Components of concrete
Components of 1 tonne of concrete

Where is concrete used?

The use of cement concrete has various fields of application in construction and design. Since it was developed in the early XIXth century as a powerful structural material, it can be found in several constructive elements. The constructive elements made out of concrete can be summed up in three main categories:

massive built horizontal and vertical load bearing elements such as foundations and walls, used for small to middle scale buildings, such as residential housing.filigree skeleton construction elements, such as pillars and beams, mainly found in high rise buildings and large scale commercial buildingsspecial construction elements for infrastructural and exceptional building typologies, such as bridges, tunnels, dams or bunkers.

Where is concrete useful?

Nowadays concrete is used in many different ways. All constructive elements can be made in concrete and in most cases they are realized with this material.
But is it really necessary to replace other common construction methods with concrete?
It makes sense to use concrete in constructions, where load bearing elements have to bear big compressive strengths. A high rise a few hundred meters high? A tunnel? A dam? For sure! – There are fields of application, where no other material performs as well as concrete but in many cases concrete is used in small scale projects, where it is unnecessary and over proportioned.

How sustainable is cement concrete?

Concrete is certainly one of the building materials which gives a nearly unlimited range of use. As mentioned before, there are many upsides to using concrete. But there are always two sides of the coin.

A general definition for sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainability is often discussed in environmental terms. It can also be related to two other important topics: society and economy.

Obvious and hidden impacts on our environment

Graph showing global concrete emission percentages
Pie chart comparison between countries CO2 emissions and cement production

The impact on our environment caused by the cement industry and by building with concrete is enormous. The production of cement is a high energy consuming process. This energy is mainly obtained from fossil fuels or burning waste [14] In addition the chemical process of producing cement releases one molecule of carbon-dioxide per each molecule of calcium silicate hydrate. For each ton of produced cement, one ton of CO2 is emitted just by chemically processing it [15] Besides the vast amount of carbon dioxide emitted, many other hazardous air pollutants such as NOX or PM10 are emitted during the process. [16]

Cement is just one part of concrete. The added aggregates, such as gravel and sand, are mined in humongous amounts to cover the demand of concrete industries. Many environmental systems are suffering from negative effects such as land loss by erosion, destruction of natural habitats, sealing and contamination of soil. Some of these aggregates, especially sand, have to be shipped around the world to service demands. [17] Just to give a short glimpse of one of the biggest cruxes in world of the concrete industries – new developing middle-east states, such as the United Arab Emirates or Qatar have to import big amounts of sand to service their huge demand in building industries, despite the fact that cities like Dubai or Qatar are located in the middle of sandy deserts. [18] However, not all of the sand we can find on the globe is suitable for concrete production; desert sand is too fine and round to be used as an aggregate. [19]
Furthermore, concrete production is a thirsty industry. It needs almost 10% of annual industrial water withdrawal, and 75% of the concrete production takes place in regions which are already facing water stress and drought. [20]

Beside this, the impact on society has to be emphasized. The internationalization of architecture and modern building technologies have a negative influence on vernacular building technologies and local architecture. New buildings tend to be built in a modern way with modern materials, such as concrete. Cost efficiency, the establishment of new building technologies and the time aspect are reasons for a significant decrease of traditionally built projects. 

Impact of globalization and industrialisation on building traditions.

Diagram showing concrete accounts for 66% of building materials
Comparison between the use of concrete and other building materials

One of the main issues caused by that situation is the loss of building knowledge and traditions. Traditional building techniques are being replaced by modern approaches. Around the world, houses and cities have been built according to local tradition for centuries. Now, knowledge that was gained in a long and enduring process is about to get lost in a few decades. 

Main drivers for the loss of vernacular architecture are caused by the growing globalization and industrialization of the world. Innovations in building technologies can be spread easily around a fully connected world. Rare materials not locally available can be easily shipped from anywhere – and they get transferred in humongous amounts around the planet. 

Downcycling cement concrete

The economic sustainability of concrete is always mentioned as a big pro. Nonetheless there are a few facts which are not properly taken into consideration. The production of concrete is cheap in comparison to other materials. A main reason for this, is that the aggregates you need to mix concrete are available in large quantities almost everywhere around the planet. But in recent times the local availability of certain components, such as sand are diminishing. [21] Our resources on the planet are finite, so using and monetizing resources as if they are infinite is unsustainable. To address this, the concrete industry tries to emphasize their product as recyclable, but to make it clear – concrete is not recyclableRecycling means, returning a material into a previous stage of a cyclic process. In case of the mentioned material, this is not completely possible. During calcination, the processing of the raw resource of limestone comes to a point of no return. Once cement is made, the process is irreversible. There is no commercially viable process to recycle it.[22] Recent reusing methods of concrete consist of shredding it and mainly using it as gritting material for infrastructural projects. In some cases this crushed concrete can be used as an aggregate to partly substitute gravel in concrete. Nevertheless these substitutes are small in numbers and in the end new concrete still requires additional water, cement, sand and gravel [23] Technically, the recent approaches to recycling concrete can be better named downcycling processes or a kind of mitigation. Many experts criticize the bigger potential of reusing shredded concrete for new concrete projects, [24] an effort which should be broadened in the future. 

Contradictive durability of concrete structures

Many proponents often mention concretes’ durability as a big pro. The use of concrete without adding any other materials (such as rebars, made out of metal) technically creates a very durable building material. Despite, most of the applied concrete is reinforced to be able to react on tensile stress. But the application of reinforced concrete in terms of durability is a contradiction in terms. Here nature inevitably can shorten the life span of buildings built out of reinforced concrete. Due to different thermal expansions and the inevitable inheritation of oxidation of the used steel rebars, concrete constructions suffer fast deterioration during their lifespan. Recent studies have shown that there is a 50% chance of reinforced concrete structures to not fulfill their service in terms of load bearing after just 35 years of use. [25]

What can be used instead of cement based concrete?

Concrete as a kind of fluid stone has found use in all fields of construction. But is it always necessary to use concrete? There are new materials and also tried and trusted methods of building which have mostly been replaced by concrete solutions. The replacement of conventional portland cement based concrete can cut greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts significantly. Basically there are two main ways to avoid a humongous use of classic portland cement based concrete. The first one is to substitute or avoid the most polluting ingredient of classic concrete, portland cement. In a second scenario different building approaches with alternating materials or other building techniques can be applied.

Cement substitutes

First of all, portland cement based concrete mostly can be substituted by pulverized fly ash (PFA), which is a side product of coal burning processes. Another substitute with a big potential is Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS), which is able to replace portland cement up to 90%. GGBS substituted concrete sets more slowly than concrete made with ordinary portland cement. The higher the amount of GGBS in the cement mix the longer it takes to cure. Besides this, a positive side effect of using GGBS substituted concrete is that it continues to gain strength over a longer period leading to improved overall durability and life expectancy. [26] Nevertheless the mentioned substitutes are by-products of other industries, such as coal, steel or aluminium production, which also have an enormous negative impact on our environment.

Green concrete

During the last decade several scientists started working on green alternatives for concrete. The most advanced approaches use micro organisms such as algae, bacteria or fungi for biocement production (CaCO3) by using the metabolic activity of these microorganisms. [27,28] Some of these bioproducts achieve similar specifics as classic portland cement and present a feasible and viable alternative to conventional portland cement based concrete.

lternative construction methods

Besides an ingredient-related replacement of conventional concrete, there are many tried and trusted construction methods which were applied in vernacular building styles and local architecture traditions. There is no convincing evidence that justifies concrete as the ultimate building material for most building tasks.

This table aims to present a series of more ecologically friendly solutions for common uses of cement concrete:

construction elementclassic building material
to be replaced / substitutedeco friendly alternative (not exhaustive)foundationsreinforced concretetyre foundation (for point foundations) [29]
gabion foundations [30]pillarsreinforced concrete
steelwooden constructions (bamboo, pine, GLT – glue laminated timber)
cardboard tubeswalls(reinforced) concrete
steel sandwich panelswooden constructions (CLT – cross laminated timber, framework constructions)
rammed earth (clay)
bricksflooringcement based screedclay 
wooden planks roofsreinforced concrete (flat roofs)
steel sandwich panelswooden constructions
thatched roofs
green roofs
hempcretepathingcement based pavement
asphaltnatural stone :
cobblestone, granite plastergypsum based plaster
cement based plastercardboard + lime plaster [31]
hempcrete plaster
straw clay based plaster


Concrete plays a major role in building industries. The further development of newly industrializing economies with huge demands on concrete are driving the ongoing trend of a growing concrete industry. Beside its advantages and big popularity, concrete brings a lot of negative impacts on global warming, environmental systems, building culture and social city development. It is important to mention that concrete lacks recyclability. The present system around the concrete industry can be summed up as a cradle-to-grave system. Resources are extracted, used and then wasted and dumped or downcycled in the best case scenario. Due to the chemical process, cement, the most important ingredient of conventional concrete, will never be recyclable, which underlines the unsustainability of a whole industry. Its fast and wide availability and low costs in production make it popular for many large scale projects. 

Nevertheless there are recent approaches to develop more sustainable alternatives to the classic portland cement-based concrete by trying to avoid or minimize the use of cementitious components, aiming for a better reusability and recyclability of resources. 

In addition, investigating forgotten vernacular solutions reopens fields of research to move forward to a more environmentally respectful architecture. Stay tuned on our continuous research, on social media and if you can and feel like supporting the initiative, make a small donation on our Patreon! 


[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978008034720250023X , opened 12.08.2020

[2] https://www.britannica.com/technology/cement-building-material/Extraction-and-processing , opened 12.08.2020

[3] https://www.screedscientist.com/portland-cement-a-brief-history/ , opened 18.08.2020

[4]  Quantitative Analysis of CO2 Uptake and Mechanical … – MDPIwww.mdpi.com › pdf , opened 23.09.2020

[5] https://diglib.tugraz.at/download.php?id=576a7195cc9f9&location=browse , opened 11.08.2020

[6] 372R-13 Guide to Design and Construction of Circular Wire-and-Strand-Wrapped Prestressed Concrete Structures , 2013

[7] Historic Concrete in Scotland Part 1: history and Developmentpub-prod-sdk.azurewebsites.net › api , opened 13.08.2020

[8] https://www.britannica.com/biography/Joseph-Monier , opened 13.08.2020

[9] https://www.architectureanddesign.com.au/features/list/a-look-at-brutalist-architecture , opened 20.08.2020

[10] http://ecosmartconcrete.com/?page_id=208 , opened 12.08.2020

[11] https://global-recycling.info/pdf/GLOBAL-RECYCLING_2-2019 , opened 11.08.2020

[12] https://www.marshalls.co.uk/gardens-and-driveways/blog/how-to-mix-cement-to-make-mortar-or-concrete

[13] https://diglib.tugraz.at/download.php?id=576a7195cc9f9&location=browse , opened 26.07.2020

[14] https://global-recycling.info/pdf/GLOBAL-RECYCLING_2-2019 , opened 11.08.2020

[15] http://ecosmartconcrete.com/?page_id=208 , opened 12.08.2020

[16] http://ecosmartconcrete.com/?page_id=208 , opened 13.08.2020[1] http://ecosmartconcrete.com/?page_id=208 , opened 13.08.2020

[17] https://www.globalconstructionreview.com/news/shifting-sands-concrete-hungry-singapore-orders-mi/ , opened 28.07.2020

[18] https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20160502-even-desert-city-dubai-imports-its-sand-this-is-why , opened 19.08.2020

[19] https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20160502-even-desert-city-dubai-imports-its-sand-this-is-why , opened 19.08.2020

[20] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-017-0009-5.epdf , opened 26.07.2020

[21] https://www.globalconstructionreview.com/news/shifting-sands-concrete-hungry-singapore-orders-mi/ , opened 29.07.2020

[22] CSI-RecyclingConcrete-FullReport.pdf , opened 29.07.2020

[23] https://www.archdaily.com/933616/is-it-possible-to-recycle-concrete, opened 30.07.2020

[24] https://eu-recycling.com/Archive/22163 , opened 30.07.2020

[25] https://www.structuremag.org/?p=9459 , opened 18.08.2020

[26] https://www.greenspec.co.uk/building-design/concrete-cement-substitutes/ , opened 25.08.2020

[27] https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/11/4079#abstract , opened 25.08.2020

[28] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2215017X18302923 , opened 25.08.2020

[29] https://criticalconcrete.com/tyre-foundations/ , opened 25.08.2020

[30] http://bristolgreenhouse.co.uk/site/foundations.html , opened 25.08.2020

[31] https://criticalconcrete.com/out-of-the-box-vol-3/ , opened 25.08.2020

The post The reality of concrete first appeared on Critical Concrete.
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